

  • The power marketing LD-BZ series integrated prefabricated pump station is an integrated product carefully developed by our company, focusing on the collection and transportation of sewage. The product adopts buried installation, the pipeline, water pump, control equipment, grille system, maintenance platform and other components are integrated in the pump station cylinder body, forming a complete set of equipment. The specifications of the pump station and the configuration of the important components can be flexibly selected according to the user requirements. Proizvod ima prednosti malih otisaka, visokog stupnja integracije, jednostavne instalacije i održavanja i pouzdanog rada.

  • The prefabricated urban drainage pumping station is independently developed by Liding Environmental Protection. Proizvod prihvaća podzemnu instalaciju i integrira cijevi, vodene pumpe, upravljačku opremu, mrežne sustave, kriminalističke platforme i druge komponente unutar bačve za pumpanje. The specifications of the pumping station can be flexibly selected according to user needs. Integrirana pumpa za podizanje pogodna je za razne projekte vodoopskrbe i odvodnje kao što su odvodnjavanje u hitnim slučajevima, unos vode iz izvora vode, dizanje kanalizacije, prikupljanje i podizanje kišnice itd.